binary knitting
rupture calligraphy
bubble bullet
genome partiture
genome partiture - negative
navajo rug
global generic
blocked frontier
bubble bullets two
ascending ancestry
la casa de panchita
modified Jacquard
Installation view - The Supreme Exodus - Tent Rotterdam
binary knitting
binary knitting

A comparative analysis of knitting genetic parameters using a Stoll CMS 320 C - Jacquard breisels machine.

Elastiek, wol, alpaca en acryl /// 40 x 60 /// 60 x 90 /// 76 x 113 cm.

Binary Knitted fabric using repeated patterns of 0s and 1s, with different combinations of my DNA sequencing on knit and purl stitches. A two-year project, to investigate the mathematics and mechanics of genetic DNA weaving using the ancient technology known as knitting.

In collaboration with Atelier Breienbreien.

rupture calligraphy
rupture calligraphy
bubble bullet
bubble bullet
genome partiture
genome partiture
genome partiture - negative
genome partiture - negative
navajo rug
navajo rug
global generic
global generic
blocked frontier
blocked frontier
bubble bullets two
bubble bullets two
ascending ancestry
ascending ancestry
la casa de panchita
la casa de panchita
modified Jacquard
modified Jacquard
Installation view - The Supreme Exodus - Tent Rotterdam
Installation view - The Supreme Exodus - Tent Rotterdam